6 levenslessen van Humans of New York
Humans of New York is een blog waar wij regelmatig een blik op werpen. Het is een project van Brandon Stanton. Hij portretteert al jaren mensen uit New York, allemaal met een eigen verhaal. De boodschappen bij de foto’s zijn vaak ontroerend, verassend, inspirerend en we kunnen er iets van opsteken.
De kindertijd komt nooit meer terug, maak er iets van
“One of her teachers told me that she called one of her friends a ‘dog,’ and I was so disappointed that I started crying. I don’t know where she got that from, but it was not from my house. We have never compared people to animals. I think she was trying to impress some other kids that don’t share her soul. We had a long talk. Then I called the other parents and apologized. And we’ve had several play dates since then, and she’s been very kind.”
Alle gekkigheid op een stokje
“Let me hide the cane. It’s only temporary.”
Als je iets groots wil bereiken moet je soms uit de comfort zone stappen
“I think if you want to accomplish something big, you need to be a bit shaken. And we’ve gotten a bit too comfortable here. So we’re going to move to California and see what happens.”
Trek iets moois aan, we gaan!
“She always has something exciting planned for us.”
Verlies vooral jezelf niet wanneer andere soms belangrijker zijn
“I’m trying to raise three children and not lose who I am. I used to be a fashion buyer, and I got a lot of satisfaction from that, but now it’s so easy for life to be all about the kids. They need me all the time, and my whole identity seems to be wrapped up in seeing them learn and grow every day. So I’m trying to do something everyday that’s just for me. It could be as simple as flipping through a fashion magazine in a café. I just want there to be something left of myself when they grow older and leave the house.”
Vergeet je kinderdromen nooit!
“Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?”“A dolphin saver.”
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